
Writing Organizations

Federation of BC Writers

The Writers' Union of Canada

Horror Writer's Association

International Thriller Writers

Romance Writers of America

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA)

Association of Authors' Representatives (Literary Agents)
(Some people recommend agents you deal with belong to this association)

Writing Group

One action always recommended for writers is to belong to a writing group. I belong to a number of groups and associations.

Writing Information This page will be a work-in-progress for some time, but I will add information regularly.

Writing Software

Tired of rejections? Wondering how to improve? Nowadays there is advanced software that will "read" your writing and analyze it for common problems, and even graph the results, provide reports, and show you how your writing compares to thousands of other writers. I use this type of software - ProWritingAid, and highly recommend it.

"Buy land. They're not making it anymore."

-Mark Twain

Recommended Books

On Writing - Stephen King
The Breakout Novelist - Donald Maass
The Fire in Fiction - Donald Maass
The Elements of Style - William Strunk
On Writing Well - William Zinsser

Copyright © 2024 Kevin Gooden